On The Drive Home With Gerald – Interview With Andy And Natalie

27 SEP 2019

On The Drive Home With Gerald – Interview With Andy And Natalie

Symphony 92.4 FM conducted an interview with Andy and Natalie on SAtheCollective, focusing on how the organisation started and what it does. Andy talked about how SAtheCollective expanded from a typical music group to become more experimental and cross-cultural, as the team wished to challenge themselves as artists beyond the boundaries of music, and wanted to bring in their other friends from other cultures to play together as well. They elaborated about the recent rerun of ETHNI-CITY at Lasalle, along with the challenges of conceptualising and composing original avant-garde productions, and more so with the number of artists and complexities of the different instruments involved.

Natalie elaborated on SAtheCollective subunit LittleCreatures, which was set up after she found that there is a lack of programmes in Singapore beyond the usual western-based music programmes. Grounded in Chinese and eastern cultures, LittleCreatures was set up as an avenue for young children to freely explore with sonic play, allowing them to be immersed in an environment where they can experiment with sounds that they otherwise may not have exposure to. Natalie also talked about the four different performance-based programmes that LittleCreatures currently has to offer.

Finally, Andy shared about SAtheCollective’s upcoming plans, including their cross-country collaboration with artists from Sydney in a double residency, which challenges them to go beyond just being musicians with a gig theatre style performance. This production will be staged in Singapore as a work-in-progress piece, before going to the Sydney International Arts Festival in 2020 where the work continues, and then presented as a big show in 2021. They also talked about their upcoming album, and the addition of 2 drummers and a cellist, expanding the group’s sonic possibilities.

Link to podcast interview here

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