寻找音乐和生活的平衡, “Finding A Balance Between Music And Life”

Credits: Lianhe Zaobao
Lianhe Zaobao carried a feature of SAtheCollective, in an interview with Andy and Natalie for the “Art Partners” column. The writer dives into Andy and Natalie’s musical backgrounds and how they met at a Chinese orchestra group, along with the development of their relationship. Together with that, the writer also talked about how they started the SA music trio together, eventually evolving into SAtheCollective. The article then goes into the balance that the couple had to find between their art practice and life, and how the organisation has expanded from three people to nine people as of today. The article also briefly mentioned the residency programme that SAtheCollective has undertaken with Australian group Kurinji, and their “Stay” showcase that will be presented at the Sydney Festival in January 2020. Finally, the article expanded on Natalie’s philosophy on music and early childhood upbringing, and her strong disapproval in exposing young children, including her own son, to commercialised jingles such as “Baby Shark”. She also mentioned briefly on finding a balance in work when her son was born.
Check out their story by ZaoBao journalist BianHe,
Link to article here